
List of Civil Engineering Courses

Level 100 courses 1 CHM1231 Inorganic Chemistry 2 CHM1241 Organic Chemistry 3 CSC1201 Introduction to Computer Science 4 MTH1301 Elementary Mathematics I 5 STA1311 Probability I 6 PHY1170 Physics Practical I 7 PHY1210 Mechanics 8 PHY1220 Electricity and Magnetism 9 GSP1201 Use of English 10 CHM1251 Physical Chemistry 11 CHM1261 Practical Chemistry 12 MTH1302 Elementary Mathematics II 13 MTH1303 Elementary Mathematics III 14 PHY1180 Physics Practica lII 15 PHY1230 Behaviour of Matter 16 GSP1202 Useof Library,Study Skills and ICT 2 Level200Courses 1 EGR2204 Workshop Practice 2 EGR2205 Thermodynamics I 3 EGR2206 Material Science I 4 EGR2207 Principles of Electrical Engineering I 5 EGR2301 Engineering Mathematics I 6 EGR2304 Laboratory A 7 EGR2306 Applied Mechanics 8 GSP2204 Foundation of Nigerian Culture, Government and Economy 9 GSP2206 Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution 10 EGR2101 Engineer in Society I 11 EGR2102 ...


DISCOVERING CALCULUS, WHO’S EFFORT? NEWTON? OR LEIBNITZ? The discovery of calculus has leaded a very wide and lengthy controversy between German mathematician (Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz) and the English mathematician (Isaac Newton) who are all the great mathematicians of their days. The question of who found calculus was the most controversial issue circulating the field of sciences in the whole world around 1699 to 1711. At first, Leibniz published his work in 1669 but newton’s supporters accuse him vehemently on plagiarizing the work of their master Newton claimed that he had begun on a form calculus in 1666 by then he was 23 years old, though at that time the name calculus was not in existence and therefore he name his work as `some methods of fluctuations` but he did not publish it except as some little annotations at the back of some of his publications which though a very interesting and ingenious discovery but lack some important features. The reason behind the ...