List of Civil Engineering Courses

Level 100 courses
1 CHM1231 Inorganic Chemistry 2 CHM1241 Organic Chemistry 3 CSC1201 Introduction to Computer Science 4 MTH1301 Elementary Mathematics I 5 STA1311 Probability I 6 PHY1170 Physics Practical I 7 PHY1210 Mechanics 8 PHY1220 Electricity and Magnetism 9 GSP1201 Use of English 10 CHM1251 Physical Chemistry 11 CHM1261 Practical Chemistry 12 MTH1302 Elementary Mathematics II 13 MTH1303 Elementary Mathematics III 14 PHY1180 Physics Practica lII 15 PHY1230 Behaviour of Matter 16 GSP1202 Useof Library,Study Skills and ICT
2 Level200Courses
1 EGR2204 Workshop Practice 2 EGR2205 Thermodynamics I 3 EGR2206 Material Science I 4 EGR2207 Principles of Electrical Engineering I 5 EGR2301 Engineering Mathematics I 6 EGR2304 Laboratory A 7 EGR2306 Applied Mechanics 8 GSP2204 Foundation of Nigerian Culture, Government and Economy 9 GSP2206 Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution 10 EGR2101 Engineer in Society I 11 EGR2102 SWEP 1 12 EGR2103 Experimental Methods and Analysis 13 EGR2201 Fluid Mechanics I 14 EGR2202 Solid Mechanics I 15 EGR2203 Engineering Drawing I 16 EGR2208 Principles of Electrical Engineering II 17 EGR2302 Engineering Mathematics II 18 EGR2305 Laboratory B 19 EGR2313 Computer Programming 20 GSP2205 Logic and Philosophy
CIV3303 Fluid Mechanics II 2 CIV3304 Soil Mechanics 3 CIV3305 Laboratory Practical A 4 CIV3308 Strength of Materials 5 CIV3309 Structural Analysis I 6 CIV3401 Engineering Geology 7 CIV3403 Engineering SurveyI 8 EGR3101 Engineer in Society II 9 EGR3301 Engineering Mathematic III 10 CIV3301 Civil Engineering Practice 12 CIV3302 Civil Engineering Materials 13 CIV3306 Laboratory Practical B 14 CIV3307 Design of Structural Element I 15 CIV3402 Civil Engineering Drawing 16 EGR3102 Technical Writing and Presentation 1 17 EGR3203 SIWESI 2 18 EGR3302 Computation Techniques 19 EGR3311 Computer Application 20 EEP3201 Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Level 400 courses
1 CIV4201 Highway Engineering I 2 CIV4202 Structural Analysis II 3 CIV4203 Soil Mechanics II 4 CIV4204 Design of Structural Element II 5 CIV4301 Laboratory Practical 3 6 CIV4302 Hydraulics/Hydrology 3 CIV3303 7 CIV4303 Engineering Surveying II 8 CIV4304 Civil Engineering Practice 9 EGR4201 Engineering Statistics 10 EPP4201 Venture Creation and Growth 2 11 EGR4401 SIWESII 4
Table2.5(a):Level500Courses (CoreCourses) S/N Course Code Course Title Credit Unit Pre-requisite FIRSTSEMESTER
1 CIV5202 Public Health Engineering 2 2 CIV5310 Laboratory Practical A 3 CIV5401 Construction Management and Economics II 4 CIV5404 Transportation and Highway Engineering 4 CIV4201 5 CIV5406 Structural Analysis III 6 Plus 3 credits option course 3 Construction Management and Economics I 8 CIV5311 Laboratory Practical B 9 CIV5402 Geotechnical Engineering 4 10 CIV5403 Water Resources Engineering 11 CIV5405 Design of Structural Elements III 12 CIV5601 Final Year Project 13 Plus3 credits option course
: level 500 courses (Option Courses)
1.Water Resources and Environmental Engineering 1 CIV5301 Advanced Public Health Engineering 3 2 CIV5302 Drainage and Irrigation Engineering 3 2.Geotechnical Engineering 3 CIV5303 Rock Mechanics 3 4 CIV5304 Advanced Foundation & Underground Construction 3 TOTALCREDITS 6 3.Structural Engineering 5 CIV5305 Prestressed Concrete Design 3 6 CIV5306 Analysis and Designof Timer Structures 3 TOTALCREDITS 6 4.Building/ Construction Technology 7 CIV5304 Advanced Foundation & Underground Construction 3 8 CIV5307 Advanced Construction Technology 3 TOTALCREDITS 6 5.Transportation Engineering 9 CIV5308 Rural and Urban Transportation Engineering 10 CIV5309 Advanced Traffic Engineering TOTALCREDITS 6
Note: The above courses are for Nigerian universities where degree in Engineering is a five year program hence the course codes and the level ( year) at which a particular course is done may vary depending on the country and years of study, plus the GSP courses which are specifically for Nigerian Universities.


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